How to Extract Google Reviews using Google Maps API & Python?


Google Maps is a client application and web-based platform developed by Google. Google Maps allows you to post reviews, which are visible to everyone. Almost any area, from a small shop to a hiking route or historical landmark, may be reviewed.

Arranging the Environment

pip install -U googlemaps
pip install pandas

Import Libraries

You must first import these libraries before you can use them. So make a new cell and execute the code lines below.

import googlemaps
import pandas as pd

Get Google Cloud Platform API Key

A basic encrypted string that identifies an application without a principal is known as an API key. They're useful for anonymously accessing public data.

You will need an API Key to utilize Google Maps services or APIs. So, here's where you can download it:

Getting a Google Maps Object

Using your Google API Key, you can now receive a google maps object.

gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key='your API key')

Get Place Details

Then you will need to fetch the location information for the location where you will be collecting customer ratings. You can simply discover the location data by using the aforementioned google maps object. Take a look at the lines of code below.

place_name = 'The Fab'
place_details = gmaps.places(place_name)

Only one field has to be added in this case. In Google Maps, that is the name of the place or company.

After executing the above code, you can get the results as below:

Getting Place ID

You need to discover the place id of a location to gather user evaluations. Using the place details results, you can quickly get the location id. The place id is already included. You may also obtain it in the following manner.


Get Google Reviews

You will already have location’s place id. So, now look about how to get user reviews for the location.

place ='ChIJmxoAhvdX4joR9aZdwt5FjgE')

Execute the above code lines after adding the place_id. Check out the outputs.

You can easily scrape Google User Reviews at a place on a Google Map using the Google Maps API and Python.

For any web scraping services, contact iWeb Scraping today!


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