What is Bol Product Data Scraping Services?

iWeb Scraping provides the best Bol product data scraping service across Asia, UK, and North America.

What is BOL?

Bol.com is a Dutch website that sells general merchandise in areas like music, cinema, electronics, toys, jewelry, watches, baby items, gardening, and DIY. The store will serve 11 million active users in the Netherlands and Belgium by 2020, with over 23 million items available. [2] Since 2011, bol.com has also offered a website for shops to sell their products, effectively transforming it into a platform. More than 30,000 businesses have already sold via bol.com since the launch of "Selling via bol.com." Approximately 2,000 people work for the company.

We can help you extract information from other websites, such as Bol. iWeb Scraping primarily intends to make data extraction as simple as possible. We don't require any coding; simply tell us what you need and we'll take care of the rest! Product characteristics such as product rating, product description, product pricing, product name, product specs, and other product data can be simply scraped from a variety of domains.

Scrape BOL Product Data

At iWeb Scraping, we scrape the below product details:

Discounted amount and ratings, delivery details, payment options, product size, product image, product variants, reviews, ratings, product name, in stock/out stock, Item model number ASIN, extra offers, BOL bestseller rank, Buy box seller name, manufacturer details, customer reviews, brand names, the customer who bought the item, customer questions and answers, customer reviews: by features, customer groups and interests and many more and Web Scraping Services.

List Of Data Fields:

  •          By Brand
  •          By Category
  •          By Search Keywords
  •          By SKUs/UPC/ASIN
  •         By Store Name
  •         By Product URLs

We Scrape The BOL Product Data By Appropriate Sales Rank Having Other Advantages Such As:

  •          ASIN To UPC
  •          ASIN To SKU
  •          ISBN To ASIN
  •          ASIN To MPN
  •          UPC To ASIN
  •          MPN To ASIN
  •          ASIN To EAN Lookup


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