What Are The Advantages Of Twitter Sentiment Analysis For A Business?

Sentiment Analysis is a method widely utilized for text mining. Therefore, Twitter Sentiment Analysis means using cutting-edge text mining methods to analyze the text sentiments or tweets in the practice of negative, positive, and neutral. This is also identified as Opinion Mining, mainly to analyze opinions, conversations, and sharing views to decide business strategies, political analysis, as well as also measuring public actions.

Revealed Context, Enginuity, Steamcrab, SocialMention, and MeaningCloud are some well-known tools utilized for Twitter sentiment analysis. Python and R, are extensively used for Twitter sentiment analysis. Twitter Sentiment Analysis is much more than any certification program or a college project. Many good tutorials are available related to Twitter sentiment to educate students on a Twitter sentiment analysis report as well as its use with Python and R.

What is Twitter Sentiment Analysis?

Sentiment Analysis is the method utilized in text mining. Therefore, this can be described as the text mining method to analyze the underlying sentiments of any text message like a tweet. Twitter opinion or sentiments expressed finished it might be negative, positive, or neutral. Although, no algorithms can provide you 100% prediction or accuracy on sentiment analysis.

Being a part of the Natural Language Processing, different algorithms including Support Vector Machine, X-Byte is utilized in predicting divergence of a sentence. Twitter sentiment analysis may also rely on document level and sentence level.

Techniques like, negative and positive words for finding a sentence however are inappropriate as the text block flavor relies on a context. This might be done by searching at POS or Part of Speech Tagging.

Why Do Twitter Sentiment Analysis?

Twitter Sentiment Analysis has many applications:

Business: A lot of companies utilize Twitter Sentiment Analysis for developing their business tactics to consider customers’ feelings for brand or products, how people react to their product launches or campaigns as well as why customers are not purchasing certain products.

Politics: For politics, Twitter Sentiment Analysis is used for keeping track of the political views, detect consistency or inconsistency between actions and statements at government levels. Twitter Sentiment Analysis is also utilized to analyze election outcomes.

Public Actions: In public actions, Twitter Sentiment Analysis is used to analyze and monitor social phenomena, to predict possibly dangerous situations as well as determining the normal mood of a blogosphere.

How to Do Twitter Sentiment Analysis?

Twitter Sentiment Analysis Using Python

Twitter Sentiment Analysis using Python could be done using popular Python libraries including TextBlob and Tweepy.

Tweepy: Tweepy is a Python client to do an official Twitter API that helps to access Twitter through Basic Authentication as well as a new method called OAuth. Twitter is not accommodating Basic Authentication therefore, OAuth is the only way of using Twitter API.

Tweety offers access to a well-documented Twitter API. And Tweepy makes that possible to have an object as well as utilize any methods, which an official Twitter API provides. The key Model classes within the Twitter API include Users, Entities, Tweets, as well as Places. Access of every returns the JSON-formatted response as well as traversing through data is extremely easy with Python.

TextBlob: TextBlob is amongst the well-known Python libraries to process textual data, positions on NLTK. This works as the framework for nearly all the required tasks, we require in Basic NLP or Natural Language Processing. TextBlob is having some advanced characteristics like:

TextBlob is helpful for Twitter Sentiment Analysis using Python in the following ways:

Tokenization: TextBlob could tokenize text blocks in different words and sentences. It makes the reading between lines easier.

Noun Phrases Extraction with TextBlob: This noun is mainly utilized as the entity within sentences. This is also amongst the most significant NLP utilities in the Dependency Parsing. That is how various nouns are scraped from the sentence with TextBlob.

Part-of-Speech Tagging with TextBlob: TextBlob is utilized for tagging different parts of speech having your sentences. For instance:

N-Grams Using TextBlob

N is the number here. N-Gram is the chunk of words within the group. To get a deeper understanding of N-Gram, we might consider an example:

Advantages of Twitter Sentiment Analysis

Analyzing tweets to do sentiments remains an important marketing exercise for a company that wants to listen as well as learn from customers’ experiences. Besides social listening, X-Byte’s Text Analytics API may also help companies to scrape Twitter for brand insights, business intelligence, opinions, online reputation management, or the voice of customers.


Using sentiment analytic tools from our web scraping services, you can rapidly analyze a rational number of tweets that talk about your business or brand. In addition, the jobs you should have completed manually would get easily mechanized. Sentiment analysis tools assist you in growing your important data as well as get valuable insights immediately.

Reliable Criteria

Sentiment analysis tools assist you in maneuvering numerous inconsistencies, which could arise from numerous agents, tagging data against various criteria. This is an automated method, which trains the Machine Learning models to deal with all the jobs for you having twitter data. It will make the results reliable.

The End Line

As stated earlier, Twitter sentiment analysis offers a brilliant opportunity for businesses to know how their consumers are feeling and thinking about your features or products. In addition to making another layer for traditional metrics for evaluating your brand performance, this also offers you many opportunities.

Certainly, the customary methods of doing sentiment analysis are possible. However, what happens if your data begins growing or the cost of manual jobs overshadows the automation investment? Sentiment analysis using Machine Learning is fast, easy, and accurate. Despite that, it gives consistent results using a reasonably higher accuracy level.

At iWeb Scraping, we use AI technology that features language-particular models to identify sentiment entities from various resources, including news, surveys, social media, or feedback forms.

With the help of iWeb Scraping, it’s easy to understand data, employees, and customers with accuracy and speed. Contact Now!


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