Minimum Advertised Price Monitoring

MAP (Minimum Advertised Price) Monitoring – Amazon, Walmart, eBay, Target, Best Buy

MAP pricing is the minimum amount that resellers agree not to go below. Defend your brand and pricing with iWeb Scraping’s specialized MAP monitoring services of Amazon, Walmart, eBay, Target, Best Buy, Home Depot, & Etsy. A successful MAP policy assists fair competition with all distribution channels because our specialized services recognize MAP violators.

What is a Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Monitoring?

A MAP price is a minimum amount that resellers decide not to market below. For instance, if a company sets the MAP price of $100 for its popular item then all the resellers including brick & mortar stores and online resellers are forced to advertise the product at $100 or more. If the reseller decides to advertise this product at a discounted price of $75, the reseller is directly violating the company’s MAP agreement.

Importance Of Minimum Advertised Price (MAP)

If the products get sold under the MAP value, it creates the wrong perception in the consumer’s mind that hinders the sales of actual products at profitable prices in the long-term. It usually happens through resellers or channel partners who at times provide heavily discounted products for running the stock clearance.
Manufacturers and brands having huge reseller networks find it time-consuming and difficult to monitor and apply minimum advertised price (MAP) monitoring policies. Resellers that violate the MAP monitoring policies with deeper discounts can damage your brand’s reputation, profitability, and sales.
Prevent extreme discounting amongst resellers and add to MAP enforcement using our industry’s leading MAP Monitoring solutions including the real-time updates


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